Research Brief Dissemination Series

Research Brief Dissemination Series

UndocuScholars, the Association for the Study of Higher Education’s (ASHE) Presidential Commission on Undocumented Immigrants, and UConn’s Neag School of Education invite you to take part in a special research brief dissemination series this academic year. This series of events complements a research brief series commissioned by UndocuScholars. Through social media and webinar platforms, you will have an opportunity to connect with and learn from scholars and practitioners dedicated to examining issues that affect undocumented and DACAmented students.

Summary of Research Brief Dissemination Series

Twitter Chat: Implementation of Public and Institutional Policies for Undocu/DACAmented Students at Higher Education Institutions

Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018
11 a.m. – 12 noon PST

Coordinated by H. Kenny Nienhusser, Ed.D., @kennynien

University of Connecticut, Neag School of Education
Join the conversation using the hashtag #UndocEdu.

Description: While tens of thousands of undocumented and DACAmented students are enrolled in U.S. higher education institutions, many higher education institutional agents continue to be largely uninformed of how to best meet the needs of these populations. This Twitter chat will delve into several aspects (e.g., complex policy environments, campus environments, and learning opportunities) related with higher education institutional agents’ implementation of public and institutional policies for undocu/DACAmented students.

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Webinar: The “Trump Effect” and Undocumented And DACA Community College Students

Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018
11 a.m. – 12 noon PST

Coordinated by Susana M. Muñoz, Ph.D.,

Colorado State University
More information to come

Description: The burgeoning research on undocumented and DACA students attending community colleges suggests that barriers to college access and persistence continue to exist despite in-state tuition policies. This webinar will feature panelists who discuss undocumented and DACA students attending community colleges and how the current political climate has influenced undocumented and DACA community college students’ navigation of their educational trajectories. Using the state of Colorado as a case study, issues such as heightened white supremacy, uncertain academic trajectories, and creating supportive spaces at community colleges will be discussed. Other areas that will be discussed are the roles of staff development and institutional messaging/communication as essential components of creating an inclusive campus climate for undocumented and DACA community college students.


Twitter Chat: Deportation as an Educational Policy Issue: How We Can Fight Back and Why We Must

Tuesday, Feb, 5, 201912 noon – 1 p.m. PST

Coordinated by Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales, Ph.D.,

University of San Francisco
Join the conversation using the hashtag #UndocEdu.

Description: Often times, the conversation about immigration in higher education focuses on the educational experiences of undocumented students. While this is important, it is only one front of the struggle for just immigration policy.  This Twitter chat will outline the evidence for how deportation is an educational policy issue, and makes the case for how those of us in institutions of higher education need to be activated around this struggle.

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Webinar: Humanizing Research Methodologies With Immigrant and Undocumented Communities

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
11 a.m. – 12 noon PST

Coordinated by Lindsay Pérez Huber, Ph.D.,

California State University, Long Beach

More information to come

Description: This webinar will feature education scholars discussing the ways that they have developed and engaged humanizing research methodologies with immigrant and undocumented communities. This panel of scholars will explain how they theoretically ground these methodologies, and the impact these methodological approaches have had on themselves, and with the communities they have worked with.

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