Convenings  – UndocuScholars

The UndocuScholars project aims to support and enhance the educational trajectories of undocumented youth beyond their undergraduate years by sharing knowledge and resources about the graduate school process and by connecting them with other undocumented graduate students and alumni. Through this work we also aim to build partnerships and capacity across institutions of higher education and advocacy organizations to support undocumented youth in their post-college trajectories. Lastly, we are concerned with facilitating and fostering discussions about ethical and effective research by, for, and with undocumented students.

Convening for Mini-Grant Project 2019

On March 8, 2019, the research and advocacy partnerships that were funded through the UndocuScholars mini-grant project gathered to share the research they have conducted in collaboration with one another. Throughout the day partnerships presented findings of their research as well as, engaged in discussions about the process of fostering these partnerships and involving students in their projects.

UndocuScholars Research and Graduate School Conference 2018

The UndocuScholars Research and Graduate School Conference brought together over 150 undergraduate, undocumented students from various institutions of higher education. The one-day conference  provided students with the opportunity to present original research projects, obtain knowledge about the graduate school process, and to connect with other undocumented graduate students and alumni to expand their networks. The purpose of this conference was to enhance and support undocumented student post-baccalaureate trajectories and to create a space for research and knowledge sharing community.  


  • Keynote speaker: Iliana Perez, Ph.D.
  • Over 150 students in attendance
  • Students enrolled in high school, community college, and various 4-year institutions
  • Conference was in collaboration with UndocuBruins at UCLA and the Undocumented Student Program (USP) at UCLA

UndocuScholars Coordinator Pre-Conference 2018

The UndocuScholars Coordinator and Advocate Pre-Conference brought together undocumented resource center coordinators and educational advocacy organizations and nonprofits for a one-day meeting prior to the Research and Graduate School Conference. The goal of the meeting was to strengthen the community of undocumented student allies through the UndocuScholars Coordinator and Advocacy Organization Conference. During the meeting undocumented resource center coordinators across the state connected, engaged in deep dialogue about best practices to serve undocumented student trajectories, and had discussions high-level issues and strategies to inform policy and decision makers on how to best support undocumented youth and their educational trajectories.